Spatial Agreement

In the study of American Sign Language, the notions of “spatial convergence”, “signatory perspective” and “principle of reality” are much balanced. These three closely related terms all simply refer to the signing and demonstration of places and other physical objects as they are in real life. In other words, if you describe in ASL where the bathroom is, you need to indicate the direction in which the bathroom is actually located, not in the opposite direction. This is generally what is meant by the principle of reality. You use what is called the “signature room” or the area in front of your body, where signs are signed, to show as clearly as possible where the objects are in relation to each other, so that the recipient can find their way from your visual description. Instant, that is, in which direction you look, and head tilt are used in addition to showing to describe the directions. For example, to display a right turn by pointing to the right, tilt your head to the left, as if you were looking right at the corner of the street. The notion of signifier perspective means that spatial relationships are always signed from the point of view of the signatory in ASL, not adapted to the recipient`s perspective. For example, if you sign on a map, you point to different points on the map as if the card were in front of you. They would not try to return it to confront the recipient. In the same way, with regard to the principle of reality, if you described a room, you would sign it from your point of view, as if you were entering the door of the room with the room on the other side of the door of you.

You are not trying to turn the coin in the signature room in front of you to move the door in front of the recipient. In addition, spatial concordance can also show how far apart something is. If something is very far away, this can be shown by showing it by bending the movement of your hand with the index finger stretched, moving forward in slow motion and shaking your hand forward as you move forward. At the same time, the head is tilted slightly backwards, and the eyes blink as if looking at the distant object. Conversely, if an object is very close, this is shown in ASL by pointing it as if it were so close that you have to remove your index arm in a chicken position, bend your elbow and wrist, point at an angle down and forward. While you show this way, one can use a non-manual or natural behavior, also called proximity and called shoulder to shoulder, by lifting the shoulder of your index finger arm and wearing your cheek near your shoulder by grinding your teeth. This use of spatial concordance can also be used to show the connection with the moment. If an event takes place in the distant future, the same change in the signature used to point to distant objects can be used to display the chronilogic distance. For example, the “will” sign can be signed slowly and with a jumping movement when the hand is bent forward and the head is slightly blinking backwards with the eyes.

This sign can be interpreted in English as “at a given time” or “at a given time”. If an event has just occurred in the recent past, the behavior of the cheeks on the shoulder can be used with the sign “recently” to show that something has just happened. Appropriate statistical techniques (Kappa statistics, analysis of the main components and distance-weighted entropy) were then used. The results of the kappa statistics and the analysis of the main components required significant differences between the spatial exit patterns of the predictive maps as well as within the highest susceptibility classes. In addition, the estimated distance-weighted entropy values showed very low total intropy at the valley floor, with all models in this area considered equally low in vulnerability. In contrast, areas with the highest levels of entropy were more concentrated on the northern and southern slopes of the study area and were located in areas with higher landslide density. . . .

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